How are tobacco and related industries manipulating youth?
Use of flavours that are attractive to youth in tobacco and nicotine products, like
cherry, bubble gum and cotton candy, which encourages young people to
underestimate the related health risks and to start using them
運用加味菸 如櫻桃、泡泡糖、棉花糖等香味吸引 青少年,促使青少年低估菸品相關健
Sleek designs and attractive products which can also be easy to carry and are
deceptive (e. products shaped like a USB stick or candy)
品,例如造型像 USB 隨身碟或糖果包裝。
Promotion of products as “redu ced harm” or “ alternatives to
conventional cigarettes in the absence of objective science substantiating these
在目前缺乏客觀實證研究的情形下, 推銷該商品是較傳統菸品危害低或較乾淨的替代
Celebrity/influencer sponsorships and brand sponsored contests to promote
tobacco and nic otine products (e. Instagram influencers)
透過請名人或具有影響力者 例如網紅代言,或者活動贊助,以推銷菸品。
Point of sale marketing at vendor outlets frequented by children including
positioning near sweets, snacks or soda and providing premiums for vendors to
ensure their products a re displayed near venues frequented by young people
(includes providing marketing materials and display cases to retailers)
於兒童常光顧的銷售點例如在糖果 、零食、汽水等販售位置附近進行促銷, 且為了確
保菸品在年輕族群經常光顧的場所展示, 提供商家促銷材料與展示櫃等好處。